
Rents moderated throughout Tasmania* in the June quarter with the North being the only region or centre to have a rise in rent. While this moderation is consistent with June quarters in the past it is still welcome news for tenants following the constant increases in rent since 2016. Rents in the South have markedly […]

Rents in Southern Tasmania rose by 5.5% according to the March edition of Tasmanian Rents.  Seasonally, rents rise by more in the March quarter but the increase was still extreme.  Rents in the North (comprising of Launceston and the North East) rose by a moderate 0.6%, while rents in the North West fell by 3.6%.  […]

Rents continued to rise in all regions of Tasmania, according to the December edition of Tasmanian Rents.  Rents in the North (comprising of Launceston and the North East) rose by 4.5%, while rents in the North West increased by 2.8% and rents in the South climbed by 3.5% during the December Quarter.  For detailed statistics, […]

Housing Tasmania has appealed the decision of Parsons v Director of Housing [2018] TASSC 82 which was handed down in early December 2018. The importance of the Parsons decision was the Supreme Court’s finding that, in effect, all public housing tenants have to be provided with the reasons for their eviction as well as being provided with an opportunity […]

The housing market is complex and a number of factors have contributed to Hobart’s vacancy rate having decreased dramatically over the past few years. As a result, the city recently toppled Sydney as the least affordable capital city in Australia relative to income.  Yet, there is now more than enough evidence to demonstrate that Airbnb has had a detrimental impact resulting in a significant loss of housing stock in Tasmania. A ban of Airbnb entire properties in Greater Hobart would almost […]

The September edition of Tasmanian Rents shows that rents rose in all regions and all urban centres in the last quarter, and this contributed to a statewide rise in rents of 8.9% for the past 12 months.  For comprehensive information on quarterly and annual rents across Tasmania, download our free publication, Tasmania Rents.

Rents for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom properties in the South all increased by more than 10% in the last financial year, compounding upon 5% increases in the financial year prior to that. Meanwhile in Inner Launceston, rents for 1, 2 and 3 bedroom all rose by 6% or more in the last 12 months.  […]

Earlier today, we appeared before Tasmania’s Upper House calling for urgent action to prioritise long-term tenants over short-term accommodation providers including Airbnb. A copy of the latest research was provided to members of the Select Committee including the fact that 40 per cent of rental stock in Glamorgan/Spring Bay Council, 17 per cent in Break O’Day […]

Two months ago we wrote to the Housing Minister asking that he abide by his commitment to “improve transparency in the rapidly changing sharing economy”. Specifically, we requested a list of the data sought by the Government from short-term accommodation providers and the data provided in response. Find our letter here. Read the Housing Minister’s […]