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Rents rise by up to 40% in three years
Since December 2014 the Tenants’ Union published quarterly rent statistics compiled from bond lodgement data collected by the Rental Deposit Authority (RDA). The data is based on information that landlords and tenants provide when lodging a bond with the RDA.
A summary of the of the past 3 years – from September 2016 to September 2019 – shows the rent increases tenants in Tasmania have been required to pay for a 3-bedroom property.

As expected increases were highest in the South of the state with the median rent for a 3-bedroom property increasing by 33%, followed by the North where median rents increased by 14% and the North West with an increase of 12% over the 3 year period.

Hobart City median rents increased by a whopping 36%, but is topped by Glenorchy, where an increase of 40% was recorded and the Eastern Shore with a median rent increase of 38%.
Meanwhile inflation in Australia between September 2016 and September 2019 was 6%.
Find all Tasmanian Rents publications here.