About Us

Aims and Objects of the Tenants’ Union of Tasmania

  • Aim

To secure the rights of all tenants, including tenants in private, public, boarding and rooming houses, caravan parks and retirement villages.  These categories are not exhaustive and include the exchange of rental consideration for housing, with special emphasis on the needs of low income and disadvantaged groups.


  • Objects and Purpose of the Tenants’ Union

a.        To provide free, advice, advocacy and support to tenants in relation to their tenancy rights and how to secure these rights, for the purpose of relieving housing related poverty, destitution, misfortune and distress;

b.         To act as an advocate for tenants in disputes between tenant and landlord, particularly in matters regarding threats of eviction, loss of bonds, dispute resolution mechanisms and other issues as appropriate;

c.         To liaise with other community agencies, government departments and relevant bodies on behalf of tenants in order to assist tenants to secure their rights, and in relation to other housing issues;

d.         To promote community education to individuals and groups in particular those that are disadvantaged in the rental market for example low income, women, unemployed, Non-English Speaking Background, Indigenous, single parents, younger and older tenants, on residential tenancy law and issues, and encourage communities and individuals to gain a practical understanding of the legal system.

e.         To represent residential tenancy issues in Government and non-government forums to improve housing standards for tenants within the community.

f.          To collect data and conduct research into tenancies and related housing issues with a view to understanding the needs of the community. To enable an effective and timely response to these needs.

g.         To provide timely referrals to tenants to assist in locating appropriate rental accommodation whether public, private, boarding and rooming, caravan parks, emergency or shared;

h.         To support legal and social changes to injustices and inequalities in the law.


Also the Tenants’ Union of Tasmania aims:

  • To be a representative organisation of all residential tenants, working for their collective interests.
  • To work for:
    • improvements in the status and rights of tenants
    • decent conditions in rented housing
    • fair leases and the prevention of unfair practices in the rental market.
  • To inform and educate all tenants as to their rights and responsibilities.
  • To provide free advice, advocacy and referral services to all residential tenants.

General Principles

Social Justice

The notion of social justice is integral to the functioning and operation of the Tenants’ Union of Tasmania. The principles of access, equity, participation and rights should be the basis of staff and management at all levels.

The Tenants’ Union will ensure, as much as is practically possible, that all appropriate people and organisations, regardless of age, gender, cultural background, religion or geographic locations are informed about and have access to its services.

Natural Justice

Staff and management will at all times act fairly, in good faith and without bias or prejudice. This includes a commitment to decision making processes which are based on consultation with key stake holders and the right of appeal for those affected by a decision.


The privacy of clients, staff and members of the organisation will be respected and information obtained in the course of the provision of services or the conduct of business of the Tenants’ Union will be held in confidence.


If you wish to provide feedback to the Tenants’ Union you can download our feedback form or contact us.